Rabu, 16 Maret 2016

Post glass trimming

With the fiberglass partially cured, the excess glass cloth was trimmed away. I was fairly happy with the result. There are a couple of tiny bubbles along the edge at the lapstrake joint where air seeped back under the glass, despite my best attempts to work it all out. But these are very small, and in a place where additional layers of epoxy and then paint will cover them well. But overall, I was happy with my first attempt at glassing. In the future, additional coats of epoxy will be applied to the hull to "fill the weave" of the glass cloth. After the trimming, I am left with some long strips of glass cloth, and it seems a shame to discard them. I suppose some can be saved for patches and repairs that might be needed in the future. The idea also occurred to me to glass the leading and bottom edge of the daggerboard, to protect it from possible grounding damage. But the problem with that may be making the part too thick to fit in the daggerboard trunk. Also, it might be hard to fair the glass into the shape of the daggerboard for a smooth hydrodynamic shape. I think I just came up with another question for the experts on the CLC builders forum!

The next step is to trim and finish the transoms, before flipping the boat over for some interior glassing. But that will have to wait for this weekend. Tonight is spent on household chores, and tomorrow, Kathy and I attend an Alabama Symphony concert in honor of Mozarts 250th birthday. Happy birthday, Wolfie!

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