building model pt boat
A step by step instruction from off-sets to draw and build an 80 foot elco pt boat hull. A pt boat (short for patrol torpedo boat) was a torpedo-armed fast attack craft used by the united states navy in world war ii. it was small, fast, and inexpensive to. Pt boat world presents historical information about the pt boat along with tips and techniques for modelling world war ii naval craft..
Pt 109 project - scratch build a semi scale rc model boat
Model boats blog
Becy: where to get wood model boat building kits
Rc pt boat plans
Building of pt 167 : write-up on a 1/72nd scale model of pt 167 by alex johnson. this was my third venture building a pt-103 series elco eighty foot pt boat with the. Building a wwii model pt boat competitive design contracts to several american boat and ship building companies to design and construct prototype pt boats.. Planking the rc elco pt boat hull - the hull of the scratch built, semi scale pt 109 is covered with balsa sheet for light weight and easy construction..
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